Dr. Tom Connors was elected vice president for finance of the New Jersey School Boards Association during the organization’s semiannual Delegate Assembly on May 13, 2023.
He has been a member of the Piscataway Township Board of Education for 14 years, served as board president in 2022 and as vice president in 2023. His service includes membership on various committees, including Fiscal Planning and Operations; Policy; Legislation; Curriculum and Programs and Community Relations (serving as chair in some cases).
Connors served on the NJSBA board of directors as an alternate delegate representing Middlesex County and several NJSBA committees, including School Finance, Finance, Legislative, Resolutions Subcommittee, Resolutions Emergency Subcommittee, Dues Reassessment, Bylaws Review, Governance Task Force, and most recently on the NJSBA’s Ad Hoc Dues Reassessment Committee.
From 2015 to 2020, he served as a trustee and member of the Finance Committee of the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group.
He attained his Certified Board Member distinction in 2013, Master Board Member in 2015 and Certified Board Leader in 2018.
Connors holds a Ph.D. and a M.Sc., in analytical chemistry from the University of Connecticut, and a B.A. in molecular biology from Eastern Connecticut State College, Willimantic, Connecticut.
Connors is retired from the Technology Division of Colgate-Palmolive Company. He worked at its Corporate Technology Center in Piscataway, New Jersey for 24 years. He holds 41 formulation patents. He has been a member of the American Chemical Society and American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1982.
He was a coach when Piscataway Township received the Sports Illustrated “Sports Town USA” Award in 2003.